I really liked the breathy start? Did you like record your voice doing that than FX the crap out of it?
When everything starts going, its very spoooky! Should almost be in like a SAW type movie!
OMG it just picked up, with the bass and melody I think that is. Thats freakin' awesome, its so powerful with everything in the backround!
OMG again the spin's whatever theyre called are awesome, very well done! Sounds very professional, man! Although I think it should have had some type of a low frequency bridge, instead of kind of stopping than restarting again. But it's still real good...
Again, it sounds really professional! Its awesome when the squarish lead comes in, everything just sort of fits together... I can really hear the effort flowing from this, it's awesome.
I can also tell if this had been made on my computer, i'd be at 560 cpu.
Loops pretty well too.